Your doctor has requested that you provide a urine sample for measurement of a
substance called 5-HIAA. 5-HIAA is a breakdown product of serotonin.
To make sure that the level of 5-HIAA is not falsely raised in your urine, please avoid
eating the following while you are collecting the sample, and for the two days
before you start the collection:
There are a large number of drugs that you may have been prescribed which can
interfere with the analysis of 5HIAA. We can provide a list of these to your doctor
so that they can determine whether you need to reduce or stop taking any
medications while having this test.
Always consult your doctor before decreasing or discontinuing any medications.
We provide information and instructions on collecting your 24 hour urine sample
which you can download from our website here:
Biochemistry Patient Information For 24 Hour Urine Collection
If you would like to learn more about this test, or any other test that your doctor has
ordered, you can visit LabTestsOnLine which is a free resource created and updated by
laboratory professionals for patients:
Biochemistry- Patient information Diet Sheet for Urine 5HIAA Collection