Blood Gases (including electrolytes, metabolites and cooximetry) - ABL90 Flex Plus

Container: container
Turnaround time: N/A
Description: The ABL90 FLEX/FLEX Plus is a portable, automated analyser that measures pH, blood gases, electrolytes, glucose, lactate, urea, creatinine and oximetry in heparinised and electrolyte- balanced whole blood at the Point of Care. Foetal scalp and specified fluid samples may also be used for specific parameters. Tests should only be performed under a physician's order.


  • Standard Operating Procedure for the ABL90 Flex Plus - Blood Gas Analyser HERE
  • Guidance for Managing Patients Using POCT Blood Gas Analyser HERE 
  • Sensor Cassette COSHH HERE
  • Solution Pack COSHH HERE
Vessels and Containers:

Whole blood samples requiring blood gas analysis (either venous or arterial) should be collected into heparinised and electrolyte-balanced syringes, Radiometer safePICO syringes, Radiometer SafeClinitubes or other suitably heparinised capillary tube (with appropriate use of end caps and mixing fleas/wires).

Sample requirements:
  • Radiometer safePICO syringes and SafeClinitubes are recommended
  • Radiometer SafePICO syringes require a minimum blood volume of 1ml
  • SafeClinitubes (either 45ul for non-urea and creatinine devices or 65ul for urea and
    creatinine devices) must be completely filled.
  • Samples should be mixed again prior to analysis, preferably using the device auto-mixer.
  • All samples requiring blood gas analysis must be analysed immediately (within 5 minutes).
    N.B analysis of samples with high pO2 values must be completed within 5 minutes of
  • Samples within syringes and not requiring blood gas analyses may be analysed up to 30
    minutes after collection (plastic capillary tubes within 10 minutes). When kept at room
Important Information: There is no routine laboratory validation or interpretation of results produced at the point of care, however your local POCT Team can provide technical and clinical advice if required. The sodium, potassium, calcium, chloride and glucose assays are routinely available in your local laboratory for confirmation of abnormal results or errors. However it is advisable for monitoring purposes that the same method be used consistently.
Comments: N.B The laboratory produces total calcium results and the ABL90 devices produces ionised calcium results (approximately 50% total calcium). The result obtained at the point of care is the responsibility of the user. Clinical management of the patient based on a point of care result is the responsibility of the clinician.

Reference Range

See Standard Operating Procedure for Reference Ranges